We are a community of believers, united in Christ, who are devoted to proclaiming and obeying the word of God.
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | 1976 Scenic Dr. Fortuna CA

During the Sunday School Hour
These 10 six-session classes are designed to equip believers with the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Although everybody is encouraged to attend any who are interested in teaching or serving in certain ministry roles at FBC Fortuna are required to participate in all ten classes. The classes cover the following topics: What is a Healthy Church?, Biblical Interpretation, Missions & Evangelism, Basic Theology I & II, Apologetics, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Church History, and Spiritual Disciplines.

Healthy Church
CMT 01
What is a church and how can you tell if it is healthy? This class will look at some basic marks of a healthy church.

Missions & Evangelism
CMT 03
The last command Jesus gave on the earth was to make disciple of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). So, what does that look like? This class will look at what the Bible teaches about telling all people about the gospel of Jesus Christ and some practical ways to do it.

Christian Apologetics
CMT 06
Christians are called to both know and defend the faith. This class will look at some different ways for believers to defend their faith as well as some ways to engage opposing beliefs and worldviews.

New Testament Survey
CMT 08
The New Testament contains the Apostles teachings that have been handed down for the church to know and believe. This class will provide a survey of those teaching, also known as the New Testament.

Spiritual Disciplines
CMT 10
The Christian is not just called to believe; he is also called to obey. This class will provide some needed spiritual disciplines to help the Christian grow in both knowledge and obedience to the Lord.

Biblical Interpretation
CMT 02
The Bible is meant to be read and understood. But sometimes reading the Bible can seem too hard to understand. This class will provide some basic tools to understand how to read and interpret the Bible.

Basic Theology I & II
CMT 04 - 05
Using the 1689 Baptist Confession and the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 this class will look at basic doctrines of the Christian Faith.

Old Testament Survey
CMT 07
Is the Old Testament important or even interesting? Yes! This class will provide a survey of the Old Testament while demonstrating how it important to the believer today.

Church History Survey
CMT 09
Many Christians are familiar with the Bible, but too few know what has happened in the last 2000 year of Church History. This Church History survey will highlight some significant moments from church history and how the Christian message has spread across the world.