We are a community of believers, united in Christ, who are devoted to proclaiming and obeying the word of God.
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | 1976 Scenic Dr. Fortuna CA

The primary way every believer is discipled is though the weekly expository preaching of the Bible. Preaching is the means by which God saves sinners and sanctifies saints. This is why discipleship will be greatly impacted by the amount of time spent under the faithful preaching of the word of God.

Community Groups
With members from all over the Humboldt County we have established small groups to help minister to each other throughout the week. The purpose of these small groups is to encourage regular fellowship, discipleship, and one-another ministry among the members spread throughout Humboldt County. Further, it is more likely that a person will thrive and last longer in church if he or she is participating regularly in a small group.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School program is designed to teach the entire Bible in 3-year cycles. Each class is age-appropriate and is studying the same lesson. By having all classes learn the same lesson parents are better equipped to continue evangelizing and discipling their children. As mentioned previously, it is more likely that a person will thrive and last longer in church if he or she is participating regularly in a small group like these.
Our children’s classes are taught by teachers who love Jesus and love their students. Any adult working with a minor is required to fill out an application and pass a background check.
Although the other classes are designed to survey the Bible the youth class (7th-12th) works through the Christian Ministry Training on a three-year cycle.

Prayer Meetings
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays @ 5:30 PM
Prayer is a critical part of the Christian walk. Without prayer we are trying to walk by the flesh and not by the Holy Spirit. Therefore we set aside time specifically for the purpose of praying.
Christian Ministry Training (CMT)
At some point every disciple must transition from being discipled to making disciples. The CMT modules are an excellent way to prepare for this. These 13-week modules are a brief survey of the fundamentals of the Christian life and faith. They are meant to provide every member with basic information needed to grow and disciple others in the faith. Although everybody is encouraged to attend participation is required for all teachers or ministry leaders. CMT is available for youth and adults during Sunday School.

Parathou has two types of men in mind. First and foremost, Parthou has churchmen in mind. Men who desire to pour into the church; men who are prepared to be equipped to serve God and serve his people. Secondly, Parthou is designed for men who aspire to the office of Elder/Overseer. It must be clearly stated, participation in Parathou is not a guarantee or promise that you will become an Elder. However, it is designed to lead men in that direction.